Life is one dance that even the shy has to dance in front of the spectators that is beset to ridicule you.
You get nervous, you are obnoxious yet you dance to tunes you don’t know.
Amongst all this paranoia, you see this encouragement or so it is.
You look at her and you see she is not laughing with the crowd.
You observe closely and you see that she is laughing with you, not on you. You feel warmth radiating from her in form of appreciation which not only makes you confident but also makes you to believe.
I have never been more open to anyone as much as I have been to her.
And yet I’m unable to pronounce that to her. You see I am an introvert out of practice and dedication.
I make sure that I don’t express, and she makes sure that I am incapable of doing just that.
The act of appreciation is an act, if not carefully performed can be considered maligned.
You appreciate at times out of sheer need of to be appreciated by the other. Quite natural, quite selfish quite humane.
But at times you appreciate things, moments, feelings unconditionally. You don’t attach any strings.
You are just so overwhelmed by such occasions that all you can utter or burst is the absolute praise for which you are truly thankful for.
Even if you are an introvert.
So move close because you need to know that you are appreciated and loved for every ounce that you dwell for, for every thought you teasingly keep silent, for every gesture of console and anger that you unleash and for every pour of water that you pour from the bottle.
And when you say you hate yourself I need to let you know that you shouldn’t and that you are very wrong. You cannot make this world to hate you.
You need to realize that your happiness lies in your aura. Your tears don’t wash the world but they sketch sadness and an air of nostalgic glumness that eats away your heart as well as mine…
So in your moment of space when these words intrude you, they would only like to make you blissful because you are destined for value of not only yourself but also for a certain insignificant me.
because the dance that is life is yours….